You can save money by choosing the right computer support firm. Many small businesses make the mistake of hiring a computer consulting service firm that is unreliable and stops showing up all of a sudden when times get tough. Because technology is so important to so many different types of businesses in today’s world, having a dependable computer support service is essential. One computer crash or technology meltdown can cause operations to slow or stop completely.
The following tips will help you hire the right computer support firm to suit your specific needs:
1. Make sure the company is legitimate. You should look at the company’s website and see how professional it is and how deeply it goes. If it is just a calling card without references, you should be wary. Check existing references to make sure the firm has current customers that enjoy doing business there.
2. Choose a service firm that is a good fit. Joshua Feinberg, co-founder of Computer Consulting 101 states that one-person firms might be a good option for those with just a few computers, but larger small businesses should look beyond to larger service firms. Still, the larger the service firm, the higher the overhead and thus the bigger the pay. You might sacrifice more personalized service as well because you may not see the same technician every time. The most important thing to remember is you should be comfortable with whatever firm you choose since these representatives will have access to sensitive information.
3. Choose the right billing plan. The best service firm for you should offer a billing plan that fits well with your business. Unless a small business is really small or the network is very simple, a monthly billing plan with pre-set hours will usually give a better hourly rate than buying services by the project. Support firms give monthly paying customers priority over those that just pay by the project or emergency.
4. You want to work with a company that provides an online monitoring system. Online monitoring can help small businesses better manage the costs of computer support. It also will give computer service firms automatic alarms if something goes wrong with their clients. These monitoring options can save expensive service calls by moving most things online.
5. Start out the relationship slowly. You shouldn’t jump right into using a specific vendor. Test out the service firm you choose by presenting a small project and then move on to more expensive projects. That way you can ensure you get the right firm for on-going service and reduce costs.
Created By: Computer Consulting Kit