Experts from Infonetics Research state that the Wi-Fi phone industry is set to double annually until 2009, reaching $3.7 billion. This prediction gives IT consulting professionals something to think about. The report gauged that the Wi-Fi phone market increased 116% in 2004-2005, topping off at $125.5 million. This growth was spurred by enterprises and consumers that switched over to wireless networks.
Analysts also noted that voice over wireless networks are being used mostly by enterprises instead of consumers, but eventually these networks will be in demand among consumers as IT consulting specialists start to offer service bundled with broadband connections.
The following findings were also published in this report:
1. SpectraLink is the leader in WiFi phones, followed by Cisco and Motorola.
2. The number of Wi-Fi phones increased 151% in 2004-2005 and will this year likely grow 182%.
3. 58% of Wi-Fi revenue in 2005 came from single-mode VoIP handsets and 42% from dual-mode handsets. Dual-mode handsets are supposed to dominate by 2009.
4. 49% of dual-mode Wi-Fi cellular handset revenue was from the Asia Pacific region, while 27% came from North America, 22% from EMEA and 2% from CALA last year.
Many companies, including D-Link, Linksys and NETGEAR are releasing new products in coming months, thus increasing the availability of more advanced products for consumers. The real growth, however is set to be surrounding dual-mode Wi-Fi and cellular handsets, and increased service and support opportunities will arise in the IT consulting field as a result.
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