As a computer consultant you can help enhance your professional standing and credibility by using media publicity. You should encourage interviews, features, quotes or any other involvement with your local newspaper or business publication. You can use media publicity at many different times and will be able to benefit more if you bring it to others’ attention than if you just count on other people seeing it for themselves.
1. Talk to hosts or producers of local TV or radio shows and give them the run-down of your expert opinion.
2. Create media publicity by getting testimonials that focus on benefits from local celebrities, important community business leaders and politicians. You can use photos with these people to help generate marketing materials.
3. Host seminars and create your own media publicity by showing others publicly that you are an expert within your local community.
4. Speak at local organization meetings and other business seminars and point to yourself as a computer expert to get coverage and media publicity.
5. Teach an IT course at a local community college and gain media publicity through college brochures and catalogues.
6. Write a column for a newspaper offering computer tips so you can increase awareness of your business profile.
In order to create media publicity, you need to be willing to make yourself known and take measures to increase credibility. Once you get media publicity, you will find yourself immediately considered an expert, which can help the endeavors of your computer consulting business.
Blogged By: Joshua Feinberg