Each computer contract you have that details the terms of on-going support for your clients is important to the health of your business. A computer contract requires advance planning to inspire confidence in your customers.
You need to know which benefits and prices you are going to offer ahead of time and do careful planning to create a compelling case for why each of your customers should be a client on a computer contract or on-going support contract.
Here are several steps you can take to ensure you have an air-tight computer contract with every client.
Tip 1: Make a Rate Card
A rate card is a simple, one-page document that shows typical prices vs. computer contract prices. It is basically a marketing summary of the benefits you provide to clients. You should brainstorm a list of at least a half a dozen compelling benefits for why someone should sign a long-term service contract with you instead of paying by the hour. You need to have your rate card ready before you go out on a sales call.
Tip 2: Carefully Consider Travel Time
When you think about developing on-going support contracts, you might have to re-think your service area. Competitors will be willing to travel 45 minutes or an hour for a good client on a computer contract, so you should figure out a way to do this affordably too. Usually you can enforce a minimum of an hour or a half day, depending on the situation.
Tip 3: Know When to Offer a Computer Contract
When can you offer a computer contract to clients?
1. Right after emergency service calls (when you’ve just saved the day and are at a high point!). This is a time when prospects and customers are very receptive to talking about how to prevent panic in the future, which is a HUGE benefit of an on-going support contract.
2. Once clients know, like and trust you. This means you need to give your relationships time to evolve!
3. After conducting IT audits. A computer contract is a logical next step once you’ve analyzed a customer’s systems.
4. When a customer expresses frustration with their other technology provider.
Today we talked about how to set up a strong computer contract. To learn more about this subject, visit the attached link!
Important Note: The blog post is not legal advice. This blog post is being provided for education purposes only. You are STRONGLY advised to consult a qualified local attorney to have your computer contract reviewed for appropriate to your personal financial situation, your business financial situation, your business entity type, your target client base and enforceability in your own local jurisdiction.
Added By: Computer Consulting Kit