Does your computer consulting firm go around, marketing itself as “virtual IT”?
If you do, that’s great… however, most computer consulting firms just give lip service to the term “virtual IT” and really don’t exactly know what it means.
Over the years, thousands of computer consulting business owners have heard the Joshua Feinberg “gospel” on virtual IT and have attempted to make virtual IT work in their companies. But a lot seems to get lost in translation… kind of like when you play the “telephone” game as children.
So just to make sure everyone’s on the same page with the Joshua Feinberg definition of virtual IT, let’s take a few minutes and regroup.
Virtual IT is the basic idea allows your computer consulting company to serve as an extension of your clients’ organizations. Your firm essentially becomes your clients’ outsourced IT department… like a shared resource.
As the owner of a virtual IT service provider, you will most likely become your clients’ de facto CIO (chief information officer), CTO (chief technology officer), or IT manager.
And just as if you were CIO, CTO or IT manager for a typical small or medium-sized enterprise, your Joshua Feinberg style virtual IT package needs to have deliver on anything and everything IT-related such as
- help desk
- desktop support
- network administration
- engineering
- security
- training
- procurement
- asset management
Because if your company truly wants to embrace the idea behind the Joshua Feinberg virtual IT concept, you cannot leave your clients “wanting” for any unfulfilled IT needs… and you can’t leave money on the table for anything IT-related.
So if you really want to call your company a virtual IT service provider, please do us all a favor and get IT right!
Joshua Feinberg Virtual IT Computer Consulting Training