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Monday, April 17, 2006

IT Service Agreements Involve Keeping Promises

If you are just starting to offer significant IT service agreements, you might be afraid you won’t be able to deliver the promises involved to your clients. The scariest thing for consultants offering IT service agreements is the thought of not being able to give short-term support to paying clients.


The best way to deal with the fear of IT service agreements is to figure out what you can do today by making an inventory skills list, examining what competitors are doing and figure out where you are lacking. You need to figure out which of your services will be most useful to small business clients, what services and solutions competing firms are offering and how you can work on your weaker areas. Then you can determine how to use what you learn in your IT service agreements.


When you are working with small businesses, you can expect them to be a couple years behind. Therefore, if your technicians aren’t well-versed on the newest versions of certain software packages, you will still be able to offer stellar service because the businesses won’t have them either.

The basic certification that you can expect to need when offering IT service agreements to small businesses is the basic MCP, the Microsoft Certified Professional. This will be valuable whether they are certified on desktops or servers. Most small businesses cannot tell the difference between advanced and basic certifications.

Blogged By: Computer Consulting 101