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Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Solution Providers News: PGP Releases New Data Encryption Technology

On Monday PGP announced the coming release of a new product for solution providers and professionals, PGP NetShare, data encryption technology that is set to automatically encrypt files from the moment they are saved to a specific folder. This application allows users to access files from across networks.

The current PGP product, Universal offers the ability to encrypt data in many different forms, such as e-mail, instant messages and data in mobile PCs. NetShare gives specific folders and directories protection and automatically encrypts them. The files stay encrypted even if the file is moved to a different location at a later date.

With this new product, solution providers and professionals encrypt and decrypt the data on the computing device rather than the server, and this process does not affect the server’s performance. The technology also can be configured to allow more than one user to access stored and encrypted files, including IT administrators, allowing easier backups and restorations of data. The application makes it easy for separation of roles within companies and for a company to keep specific practices and defined jobs in place.

PGP uses channel partners to deliver its applications to over 30,000 commercial customers globally. Solution providers are allowed to sell the PGP NetShare software and offer services to customers and companies of all sizes. Solution providers can work with a customer’s storage or security specialists or with the whole company without having to wait for one or the other. Roles can remain separate and security higher.

NetShare will go into beta testing in late June and will be available to all by early in the fourth quarter. The expected retail price will be $150 per unique user.

Blogged By: Computer Consulting 101 Professional Kit